Top 10 Challenges Expats Encounter in Malta

Top 10 Challenges Expats Encounter in Malta
Updated on
November 17, 2023

Malta, a shimmering jewel in the heart of the Mediterranean, has long been a beacon for expatriates seeking a blend of sun-kissed lifestyle, rich history, and vibrant culture. With its picturesque landscapes, a robust economy, and a welcoming local community, this island nation offers an idyllic setting for those looking to start a new chapter in their lives. However, relocating to Malta, like any international move, comes with its unique set of challenges. From navigating the nuances of local bureaucracy to integrating into a diverse cultural tapestry, expats in Malta face a variety of hurdles as they strive to make this enchanting island their new home. This article delves into the top ten challenges that expatriates commonly encounter in Malta, providing insights and practical advice to navigate these complexities successfully.

1. Navigating Legal and Bureaucratic Procedures

Moving to Malta often means dealing with a labyrinth of legal and bureaucratic procedures, which can be daunting for many expats. Understanding and adhering to the intricacies of visas, work permits, and residence rules is crucial for a smooth transition. Malta offers various residency options, each with its specific requirements and application processes. These range from the standard work permits for non-EU nationals to the Malta Global Residence Programme, catering to non-EU, EEA, or Swiss nationals. Additionally, the Malta Retirement Programme offers attractive benefits for retirees.

The process of obtaining the correct visa and work permit can be intricate. EU nationals enjoy the freedom of movement, but non-EU expats need to navigate a more complex process that involves securing a job offer or proving financial self-sufficiency. Each type of permit has its stipulations, application fees, and processing times, which can vary significantly.

Residency rules are equally detailed, involving various legal considerations regarding duration of stay, tax implications, and access to social services. Understanding these rules is critical, as non-compliance can lead to serious legal issues.

Given these complexities, seeking reliable legal advice is highly recommended. Professional guidance from an experienced immigration lawyer or a consultancy specializing in expatriate services in Malta can be invaluable. They can provide clarity on the latest regulations, assist with the application process, and help anticipate any potential hurdles, ensuring that your move to Malta is as seamless as possible.

2. Adjusting to Local Culture and Language

Adjusting to the local culture and language in Malta can be both an exciting and challenging experience for expats. The Maltese islands have a rich cultural tapestry, influenced by centuries of various rulers and civilizations, from the Knights of St. John to the British Empire. This historical mélange has shaped a unique Maltese culture, which is both European and distinctly its own.

One of the first hurdles expats often encounter is the language barrier. Maltese, a Semitic language, is vastly different from the Indo-European languages most expatriates are accustomed to. Although English is an official language and widely spoken, the everyday use of Maltese in social and business contexts can pose challenges in complete immersion and integration.

Embracing the local culture requires an open mind and a willingness to step out of one's comfort zone. Participating in traditional festivals, such as the vibrant village festas or attending local events, can provide expats with a deeper understanding of Maltese customs and community life. These experiences not only enrich an expat's life in Malta but also help in building connections with the local community.

Learning the Maltese language, even just the basics, can go a long way in showing respect for the local culture and easing communication. Language courses are available and are a great opportunity to meet other expats and locals. Moreover, attempting to speak Maltese in daily interactions, such as shopping or dining out, can be greatly appreciated by the locals and can open doors to more authentic experiences and friendships in Malta.

3. Finding Suitable Accommodation

Securing appropriate housing in Malta can be one of the most daunting tasks faced by expatriates. The Maltese islands, while offering a diverse range of living options, present unique challenges in the real estate market. From bustling urban centers like Valletta and Sliema to more tranquil locales like Gozo, the choice of location significantly impacts the lifestyle and cost of living.

One primary challenge is the high demand for rental properties, driven by the growing expat community and the flourishing tourism industry. This demand often leads to a competitive market, with properties being leased swiftly. Expatriates, particularly those unfamiliar with the local real estate dynamics, may find themselves at a disadvantage in such a fast-paced environment.

Another challenge lies in understanding the nuances of Maltese property agreements. Lease terms, rental prices, and tenant rights can vary significantly. It's crucial for expatriates to thoroughly understand their rental contracts. Seeking the advice of a reputable real estate agent or a legal expert can be invaluable in this regard. These professionals can provide insights into fair market prices, negotiate terms, and ensure the legality of agreements.

When searching for accommodation, it's essential to consider factors such as proximity to work, access to public transportation, and local amenities. Online property portals and expat forums can be useful resources for initial research. However, visiting properties in person is highly recommended. This not only gives a true feel of the space and neighborhood but also helps in identifying any potential issues that may not be apparent in online listings.

Lastly, expats should be prepared for upfront costs, including security deposits and agency fees, and should budget accordingly. Patience and thorough research are key to finding a home that not only meets one’s needs but also enhances the overall experience of living in Malta.

4. Accessing Healthcare Services

Navigating healthcare in a new country can be complex, and Malta is no exception. Understanding the Maltese healthcare system and securing the right health insurance are crucial steps for expats to ensure their wellbeing during their stay.

Malta boasts a robust healthcare system, renowned for its high standards and efficiency. The system is a mix of public and private healthcare services. The public healthcare is universal and funded through taxation and social security contributions, offering free or heavily subsidized services to residents, including expats who contribute to the social security system. Mater Dei Hospital in Msida, for instance, is a central public healthcare provider known for its state-of-the-art facilities.

However, the public system may sometimes have longer waiting times and certain limitations in services. Hence, many expats opt for private health insurance to complement the public services. Private healthcare in Malta offers more immediate access to specialists, a wider range of treatments, and more personalized care. Facilities like St. James Hospital are popular private healthcare providers, offering a range of advanced medical services.

For expats, understanding health insurance options is vital. Those employed in Malta typically contribute to the national social security system, granting them access to public healthcare. However, relying solely on public healthcare may not cover all medical needs, especially for specialized treatments or in case of repatriation. Thus, international health insurance plans are a popular choice among expats. These plans offer comprehensive coverage, including access to private healthcare providers in Malta and worldwide coverage, which is particularly beneficial for those who travel frequently or plan to move to other countries in the future.

When choosing a health insurance plan, expats should consider factors like coverage extent, premium costs, exclusions, and whether the plan covers family members. Comparing various international health insurance providers and consulting with insurance brokers can help in making an informed decision. Additionally, understanding the process of accessing healthcare services, such as how to register with a local GP or the steps to receive emergency care, is important for a smooth healthcare experience in Malta.

In summary, while Malta’s healthcare system is among the best, expats need to navigate it carefully. Balancing the use of public healthcare with a suitable private health insurance plan can ensure comprehensive health coverage, peace of mind, and the ability to fully enjoy the Maltese lifestyle.

5. Establishing a Social Network

For many expats, building a new social network in Malta can be a significant challenge. The transition to a new country often involves leaving behind familiar faces and communities, making the task of forging new connections daunting.

One of the main hurdles is the initial phase of loneliness that many expats experience upon arrival. Malta, while friendly, can have close-knit communities that may seem difficult to penetrate initially. Additionally, cultural differences and language barriers can further complicate the process of making new friends.

However, there are numerous ways through which expats can build meaningful connections. Malta has a vibrant expat community, with individuals from all over the world. Joining expat groups, either through social media platforms like Facebook or through community organizations, can be a great starting point. These groups often organize social events, cultural outings, and networking opportunities, providing a platform to meet people in similar situations.

Moreover, it’s beneficial to engage with the local community. Participating in local events, festivals, and community activities can lead to organic friendships and a deeper understanding of Maltese culture. Language exchange meetups are also popular, where expats can learn Maltese or English while helping locals with their foreign language skills.

Taking up new hobbies or joining clubs and societies can also pave the way to meet new people. Whether it’s a sports team, a cooking class, or a book club, shared interests can lead to lasting friendships. Additionally, volunteering for local charities or community projects can be both fulfilling and a good opportunity to connect with others.

Finally, it’s important for expats to be open and proactive. Making the first move, being open to invitations, and stepping out of one’s comfort zone are key to establishing a social network in a new country.

In conclusion, while building a new social network in Malta requires effort, it’s a rewarding process. Through various expat groups, local community engagement, shared interests, and proactive socializing, expats can establish a fulfilling social life in their new home.

6. Career and Job Market Challenges

Navigating the job market in Malta presents unique challenges for expats, especially in highly competitive sectors. The Maltese economy is dynamic, with thriving industries such as iGaming, finance, and tourism. However, breaking into these markets requires strategic planning and a deep understanding of local employment norms.

One significant challenge is the competition for skilled positions. With a growing expat community and a well-educated local workforce, many sectors are highly competitive. This competition is further intensified in specialized fields where specific qualifications and experience are paramount.

To successfully navigate this environment, expats should approach job hunting in Malta with a well-prepared strategy. This includes a thorough understanding of the local job market and the specific demands of their industry in Malta. Networking is crucial in this regard. Many job opportunities in Malta are filled through personal connections and professional networks. Therefore, attending industry meetups, joining professional associations related to one's field, and actively engaging in online professional forums can be beneficial.

Expats should also tailor their resumes and cover letters to meet the local style and expectations. Understanding the nuances of the Maltese job application process and the importance of personal connections can make a significant difference. Leveraging LinkedIn and other professional social media platforms to connect with local and expat professionals in Malta can also provide valuable insights and opportunities.

In addition, language proficiency can be a decisive factor in the job market. While English is widely spoken in Malta, learning Maltese can give expats a competitive edge, particularly in sectors that deal directly with the local population.

Finally, patience is key. Finding the right job opportunity in Malta might take longer than expected, so it's crucial to remain persistent and adaptable. Exploring freelance or consulting opportunities can also be a viable alternative for expats while they search for more permanent positions.

In summary, expats facing the Maltese job market should focus on networking, understanding local employment practices, enhancing language skills, and staying adaptable to overcome these challenges.

7. Education and Schooling for Expat Children

One of the pivotal concerns for expat families relocating to Malta is ensuring their children receive quality education. The island offers a variety of schooling options, each with its unique advantages and challenges, making the decision between international schools and local education a significant one.

The Maltese education system is renowned for its high standards, with a curriculum that is diverse and inclusive. However, the local schooling system, while robust, may present cultural and linguistic challenges for expat children. Maltese and English are the official languages of instruction, and adapting to a new language in an academic setting can be challenging for some children. Additionally, integrating into a different educational culture and curriculum can take time, potentially impacting the child's learning experience and social integration.

On the other hand, international schools in Malta offer curricula familiar to many expats, such as the International Baccalaureate (IB) or the British GCSE and A-levels. These schools often provide a more seamless transition for children who have been following similar education systems abroad. The environment in international schools is typically more diverse, with a student body comprising children from various cultural backgrounds, making it easier for expat children to find peers they can relate to.

However, international schools can be expensive, and fees might be a significant consideration for some families. Additionally, while these schools offer an excellent global perspective, they might not provide the same level of immersion in the local Maltese culture and language, which can be a missed opportunity for children to fully integrate into their new environment.

Another factor to consider is the location and accessibility of schools. Malta, while small, can have traffic congestion issues, and the school's location concerning the family's residence can impact daily logistics.

In conclusion, choosing the right schooling option in Malta involves balancing the quality of education, the ease of cultural and linguistic integration, and practical considerations such as costs and location. Expat parents should thoroughly research and visit various schools, both local and international, to make an informed decision that best suits their child's educational needs and family circumstances.

8. Understanding and Adapting to the Maltese Legal System

Navigating a new country's legal system can be one of the more intricate challenges faced by expats, and Malta is no exception. Understanding and adapting to the Maltese legal framework requires a keen sense of awareness and often, professional guidance.

The legal system in Malta is primarily based on civil law traditions, with influences from the Roman, Napoleonic, and Anglo-Saxon legal systems. This hybrid nature can be initially perplexing for expats, especially those from countries with different legal foundations. Key areas where expats often require understanding include property laws, taxation, business regulations, and residency requirements.

One of the first legal encounters for many expats is the property law if they decide to rent or purchase property in Malta. The regulations and processes can differ significantly from those in other countries, and understanding the legalities of leases, property rights, and obligations can prevent future complications.

Similarly, Malta's tax system, while attractive to many expats and foreign investors due to its beneficial schemes, can be complex to navigate without proper guidance. The intricacies of double taxation treaties, residency-based taxation, and incentives for expats require a thorough understanding to optimize tax obligations.

Additionally, for expats looking to start a business or work in Malta, comprehending the corporate law and employment regulations is crucial. These include understanding the legal requirements for setting up a business, employment rights, and obligations, as well as industry-specific regulations.

To successfully adapt to the Maltese legal system, it is advisable for expats to seek legal advice from local experts, especially in areas that significantly impact their stay in Malta. Participating in expat forums, attending seminars, and consulting with legal professionals can provide valuable insights and aid in smoother adaptation to the legal aspects of living in Malta.

9. Managing Finances and Taxation

For expatriates in Malta, managing finances and navigating the local taxation system can be a complex affair. This challenge encompasses understanding the Maltese tax laws, efficiently setting up and managing bank accounts, and making informed financial decisions that align with one’s long-term objectives.

One of the critical aspects expats face is understanding the Maltese taxation system. Malta offers various tax incentives for expatriates, especially those with high net worth, but these benefits come with their specific criteria and regulations. Understanding residency status and its impact on tax obligations is crucial. For instance, determining whether one is tax-resident in Malta and understanding the implications of worldwide income taxation versus remittance basis can significantly affect an expat's financial planning.

Moreover, setting up bank accounts in Malta is another hurdle. The process can be time-consuming and may require a plethora of documentation, including proof of residence, income source, and personal identification. Expats often find it challenging to choose the right bank that suits their international needs, including ease of international transfers, digital banking services, and multilingual support.

Financial planning also plays a significant role in ensuring a comfortable stay in Malta. This involves managing investments, savings, retirement plans, and insurance in a way that aligns with both Maltese laws and the expat’s future plans. It is not uncommon for expats to encounter issues with transferring funds between countries, dealing with currency exchange rates, and understanding local investment opportunities.

To navigate these financial and taxation intricacies, seeking advice from a professional financial advisor who is well-versed in Maltese as well as international finance laws is prudent. These experts can provide tailored advice, helping expats make informed decisions and avoid potential legal and financial pitfalls.

10. Dealing with Homesickness and Cultural Shock

Adjusting to life in Malta, while exciting, can often bring about feelings of homesickness and cultural shock for expatriates. This emotional aspect of relocating can be as challenging as the physical move, especially when the cultural norms and lifestyle are significantly different from what one is accustomed to.

Homesickness manifests in longing for familiar places, people, and even mundane routines from one's home country. It can be triggered by various factors, such as encountering different social customs, language barriers, or even missing the simple comfort of familiar foods. Cultural shock further compounds this feeling, as expats grapple with understanding and adapting to the local Maltese culture, which might include unique social etiquette, local traditions, and different ways of communication.

One effective strategy to combat these feelings is to establish a support network. Building relationships with other expats who have gone through similar experiences can be immensely comforting. Joining expat groups, attending social gatherings, or participating in community events can help in making new connections and ease the sense of isolation.

Moreover, engaging with the local culture is an essential step in overcoming cultural shock. This might involve learning the Maltese language to better communicate and understand the local context, or actively participating in local festivals and events to appreciate and embrace the cultural richness of Malta. Finding a hobby or interest that connects one to the local community can also provide a sense of belonging.

Another crucial aspect is maintaining a connection with one's roots. Regular communication with family and friends back home, through calls, video chats, or social media, helps in bridging the physical distance. Additionally, creating a 'home away from home' by incorporating familiar elements into one's living space in Malta can provide comfort during periods of homesickness.

Lastly, giving oneself time to adjust and being patient with the adaptation process is important. Recognizing that it is normal to experience ups and downs helps in managing expectations and allows for a smoother transition into the new environment.

FAQ Section: Navigating Expat Life in Malta

Is It Difficult to Find English-Speaking Jobs in Malta?

While Malta is multilingual, the primary business language is English, making it easier for expats to find English-speaking jobs. However, certain industries might require knowledge of Maltese or other languages. Networking and using local job portals can be effective strategies for job hunting.

Can Expats Easily Adapt to the Maltese Healthcare System?

Malta's healthcare system is renowned for its quality. Expats usually find it easy to adapt, especially with an appropriate health insurance plan. The system offers both public and private healthcare options, with English widely spoken among healthcare professionals.

What Are the Best Ways for Expats to Integrate into the Maltese Community?

Joining local clubs, attending community events, and participating in social gatherings are great ways to integrate. Expats often find Maltese locals welcoming, and engaging in local traditions and customs can also help in blending into the community.

How Challenging Is It for Expats' Children to Adapt to Schools in Malta?

Children usually adapt well, especially in international schools where they meet peers from diverse backgrounds. Schools in Malta offer high-quality education, with many providing an international curriculum that makes the transition smoother for expat children.

Are There Any Expat-Specific Legal Issues to Be Aware of in Malta?

Expats should be aware of residency and work permit regulations, which can vary depending on their home country. It’s advisable to consult with an English-speaking lawyer in Malta for specific legal advice, especially regarding property laws, taxation, and employment contracts.


Embracing life as an expat in Malta comes with its unique set of challenges, ranging from navigating legal procedures, adjusting to cultural differences, finding suitable accommodation, to establishing a social network and more. These hurdles, while daunting, are surmountable with the right approach and mindset.

It's essential to remember that the expat journey is a blend of adventure and adjustment. Patience, resilience, and an open mind are key to transforming these challenges into rewarding experiences. Seeking out communities, both expat and local, can provide invaluable support and advice. Additionally, engaging with the culture, exploring the island, and embracing its lifestyle can enrich your stay and turn challenges into cherished memories.

Malta, with its rich history, vibrant culture, and welcoming locals, offers an exceptional opportunity for personal and professional growth. The journey might be filled with ups and downs, but with determination and a proactive approach, your expat experience in Malta can be a fulfilling and successful adventure.

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Facilitating a move to Malta is seamless when you rely on the Welcome Center Malta. Established in 2016 with the sole objective of helping people make an effortless move to the island, Welcome Center Malta aims to reduce the challenges involved in settling, moving and establishing local contacts.