A Guide to Maltese Public Libraries

Explore Maltese Public Libraries: Your Ultimate Guide
Updated on
July 8, 2024

Malta's public libraries offer more than just books; they are gateways to knowledge, culture, and community. Whether you're diving into a digital book, attending a workshop, or exploring Malta's rich literary heritage, these libraries provide valuable resources for everyone. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about Maltese public libraries, from accessing digital collections to getting involved in community events.

Key Takeaways

  • Malta Libraries offer a wide range of digital books accessible online.
  • Key public libraries include Valletta Public Library, Gozo Public Library, and several regional libraries.
  • Getting a Malta Libraries card is simple and comes with many benefits.
  • Maltese public libraries host various events like reading programs, workshops, and community events.
  • Public libraries in Malta play a crucial role in promoting literacy and preserving cultural heritage.

Exploring Malta Libraries' Digital Collection

How to Access Digital Books

Malta Libraries have made it easy for everyone to access digital books. All you need is a library card and an internet connection. Simply log in to the Malta Libraries website, browse the digital catalog, and borrow the books you want. You can read them on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. It's that simple!

Benefits of Digital Libraries

Digital libraries offer many benefits. Here are a few:

  • Convenience: Access books anytime, anywhere.
  • Variety: A wide range of books, including rare and out-of-print titles.
  • Environmentally Friendly: No paper means less waste.
  • Cost-Effective: Free access to a vast collection of books.

Popular Digital Titles

Some popular digital titles available at Malta Libraries include:

The Maltese FalconDashiell Hammett
The Kappillan of MaltaNicholas Monsarrat
Maltese CrossMarthese Fenech

Digital collections are a great way to explore new genres and authors without leaving your home. They also help preserve Maltese culture and heritage by making rare books accessible to everyone.

Key Public Libraries in Malta

Valletta Public Library

The Valletta Public Library is one of the most important libraries in Malta. It houses a vast collection of books and historical documents. Visitors can explore a wide range of resources, from ancient manuscripts to modern publications. The library also offers various services, including reading rooms and digital access to its catalog.

Gozo Public Library

Located on the island of Gozo, this library serves as a cultural hub for the local community. It provides access to a diverse collection of books, magazines, and digital resources. The Gozo Public Library also hosts events and activities aimed at promoting reading and literacy among residents.

Regional Libraries

Malta's regional libraries are spread across different towns and villages, making it convenient for residents to access library services. These libraries offer a variety of resources, including books, digital media, and educational programs. They play a crucial role in supporting the educational and cultural needs of their communities.

Public libraries in Malta are essential for promoting literacy and preserving the nation's cultural heritage. They provide valuable resources and services to people of all ages.

Getting a Malta Libraries Card

To get a Malta Libraries card, you need to register online. Visit the Malta Libraries website and fill out the registration form. Make sure to have a valid ID and proof of address. Once your application is approved, you will receive your library card by mail.

Your Malta Libraries card gives you access to a wide range of services. You can borrow books, access digital resources, and participate in library events. To borrow a book, simply present your card at the checkout desk. For digital resources, log in to the Malta Libraries website using your card number.

Having a Malta Libraries card comes with many perks:

  • Free access to books and digital resources
  • Invitations to exclusive library events
  • Discounts on workshops and seminars

A Malta Libraries card opens up a world of knowledge and community activities. It's a gateway to learning and cultural enrichment.

Events and Activities at Maltese Public Libraries

Reading Programs

Maltese public libraries offer a variety of reading programs for all ages. These programs are designed to encourage a love for reading and improve literacy skills. From storytime sessions for young children to book clubs for adults, there's something for everyone.

Workshops and Seminars

Libraries in Malta frequently host workshops and seminars on a wide range of topics. These events provide opportunities for lifelong learning and skill development. You can find workshops on digital literacy, creative writing, and even local history.

Community Events

Public libraries in Malta serve as community hubs, hosting events that bring people together. These can include cultural celebrations, author talks, and art exhibitions. Libraries also collaborate with local organizations to offer unique community-focused events.

Libraries in Malta are more than just places to borrow books; they are vibrant community centers offering a wide range of activities and events for everyone.

The Role of Public Libraries in Maltese Culture

Promoting Literacy

Public libraries in Malta play a crucial role in promoting literacy among all age groups. They offer a wide range of books, from children's stories to adult fiction and non-fiction. By providing free access to books and other reading materials, libraries help improve literacy rates and foster a love for reading. Libraries also host reading programs and book clubs that encourage community members to read more and discuss their favorite books.

Cultural Preservation

Maltese public libraries are key players in preserving the nation's cultural heritage. They house collections of historical documents, rare books, and local newspapers that provide insights into Malta's past. These libraries also digitize important documents, making them accessible to a broader audience. This effort not only preserves the physical copies but also ensures that future generations can learn about Malta's rich history.

Community Engagement

Libraries in Malta serve as community hubs where people can gather, learn, and share ideas. They offer various programs and activities, such as workshops, seminars, and cultural events, that bring people together. By providing a space for community engagement, libraries help build stronger, more connected communities. They also offer resources and support for lifelong learning, helping individuals to develop new skills and knowledge.

Future Developments in Malta's Public Library System

Digital Initiatives

Malta's public libraries are embracing the digital age with several new initiatives. E-books in Maltese are set to be available later this year, making it easier for readers to access local literature. The shift to digital services not only enhances access but also presents new challenges that the library system is ready to tackle.

Infrastructure Improvements

Plans are underway to upgrade the physical infrastructure of libraries across Malta. This includes modernizing existing buildings and creating more user-friendly spaces. The goal is to make libraries more welcoming and accessible to everyone.

Community Outreach

Community outreach programs are being expanded to engage more people in library activities. These programs aim to promote literacy and lifelong learning. Libraries are also looking to collaborate with local organizations to offer a wider range of services and events.

The future of Malta's public libraries looks promising with these exciting developments. The focus is on making libraries more accessible, modern, and community-oriented.

How to Support Your Local Public Library in Malta

Volunteering Opportunities

Volunteering at your local library is a great way to give back to the community. You can help with organizing events, assisting with daily operations, or even tutoring students. Your time and effort can make a big difference. Check with your local library to see what opportunities are available.

Donations and Fundraising

Libraries often rely on donations and fundraising to support their programs and services. You can contribute by donating books, money, or even your time to help with fundraising events. Every little bit helps in keeping the library a valuable resource for everyone.

Advocacy and Awareness

Spreading the word about the importance of public libraries can help garner more support. Talk to your friends and family about the benefits of the library, and encourage them to get involved. You can also participate in community meetings or social media campaigns to raise awareness.

Supporting your local library not only helps maintain its services but also strengthens the community as a whole.


In wrapping up, Maltese public libraries are more than just places to borrow books. They are hubs of culture, learning, and community. With the addition of digital books, they have stepped into the 21st century, making it easier for everyone to access Maltese literature. Whether you're a student, a casual reader, or someone looking to dive into Maltese heritage, these libraries offer something for everyone. So, grab your library card, explore the vast resources available, and enjoy the journey of discovery that awaits you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get a Malta Libraries card?

You can sign up for a Malta Libraries card by visiting their website and filling out the registration form. Once you complete the process, you'll receive your card, which you can use to borrow books and access digital resources.

What are the benefits of having a Malta Libraries card?

With a Malta Libraries card, you can borrow books, access digital collections, and participate in library events and programs. It also allows you to use library computers and other resources.

How do I access digital books from Malta Libraries?

To access digital books, log in to your Malta Libraries account on their website. Browse the digital catalog and select the books you want to borrow. You can read them on your computer or mobile device.

Are there any free digital books available?

Yes, Malta Libraries offer free digital books, including many written by Maltese authors. You can borrow and read these books online if you have a library card.

What kind of events do Maltese public libraries host?

Maltese public libraries host various events, including reading programs, workshops, seminars, and community events. These activities are designed to promote literacy and community engagement.

How can I support my local public library in Malta?

You can support your local library by volunteering, making donations, participating in fundraising events, and spreading awareness about the library's services and programs.

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Facilitating a move to Malta is seamless when you rely on the Welcome Center Malta. Established in 2016 with the sole objective of helping people make an effortless move to the island, Welcome Center Malta aims to reduce the challenges involved in settling, moving and establishing local contacts.