VISA/Residence Permit

VISA/Residence Permit

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The Ultimate Guide to Applying for a Work Permit in Malta

The Ultimate Guide to Applying for a Work Permit in Malta

Malta is a small island nation located in the Mediterranean, and it's become an increasingly popular destination for expats and international workers. With its beautiful landscapes, vibrant culture, and growing economy, Malta has a lot to offer those looking to work abroad. However, before you can start working in Malta, you'll need to obtain a work permit.

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Who Needs a Malta Work VISA?

Just like in every country across the world, you need to find out whether a work permit is required in Malta. Some conditions may exempt you from a work permit which is based on your type of work and nationality.

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4 Types of Residence Permits Available in Malta

With its historical fortresses that speak to a succession of different colonial periods (form the Romans to the Moors to the Spanish to the British and more), it’s stunning beaches, it’s laid back Mediterranean lifestyle and it’s relatively low cost of living, it’s no wonder that the island of Malta is attracting large numbers of expats which have decided to call Malta home. There’s also great night life on the islands (Malta is an archipelago with three separate islands) as well as lots of diving and other water sports. However, before doing all this, one needs to look into the types of Residence Permits on the islands.

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Malta Citizenship by Investment - What is Required

This is the first citizenship programme to be launched in Malta which is also approved by the EU, is the Malta Citizenship by Investment Programme. This programme gives families who would like to shift their business or personal affairs to an EU country the option by offering a second citizenship opportunity. Once a person obtains citizenship via this programme, they then hold it for life and it will be handed on to their descendants.

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Malta Residence Permit - A Guide For Expats

In 2013, the Government initiated a new Malta residence permit scheme, conferring advantageous tax status to many third country nationals. To apply, individuals must meet various conditions, including owning or renting eligible property and paying a minimum tax liability on foreign income each year.

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How To Get A Passport in Malta

If you’re trying to understand the required procedures you have to go through to get your Passport in Malta, have a look at this article. Here we present all the essential information on this matter, in a clear and succinct presentation that’s organized under appropriate sections, so you can find exactly what you need without losing time.

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About us
Facilitating a move to Malta is seamless when you rely on the Welcome Center Malta. Established in 2016 with the sole objective of helping people make an effortless move to the island, Welcome Center Malta aims to reduce the challenges involved in settling, moving and establishing local contacts.